Friday, June 24, 2011

SharePoint 2010 My Site Activity Feed, RSS-style | SharePoint Blog

SharePoint 2010 My Site Activity Feed, RSS-style

Posted on February 15, 2011 by Brad Saide

The Activity feed in the My Site for SharePoint 2010 is Great – you can see at a glance what everyone’s up to and what the topics of interest are. However, it’s not that clear how you might consume it as an RSS feed…

To get your activities in RSS format, browse to the activityfeed.aspx page at http:///_layouts/activityfeed.aspx

To get the activities of your colleagues in RSS format, append the consolidated=true parameter to the query string – http:///_layouts/activityfeed.aspx?consolidated=true

Finally, if you want to get the activities of a particular user, pass in the user account using the publisher parameter – http:///_layouts/activityfeed.aspx?publisher=domain\username

Remember, in order to consume these feeds using the OOTB RSS Reader, you need to have the site running in Kerberos mode or Claims mode using Kerberos

via SharePoint 2010 My Site Activity Feed, RSS-style | SharePoint Blog.

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