Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This morning was the keynote.  Normally keynotes are full of excitement and new announcements....  This one was not.  I'm hoping the rest of the conference doesnt fall so flat.  The setup in the main ballroom was impressive (see the pic below), and the speakers held my interest for the most part.  A vast majority of the keynote was spent tooting their own horn on how much functionality they packed into office 365.  There was one redeeming part of the keynote - they demonstrated live a SQL failover with the new not yet release SQL server.  They had a monster sharepoint farm (1 TERRABYTE of ram, 80 processors, 100 TB of disk space) and they failed over the entire farm by unplugging the primary SQL server.  The whole farm came back up on its own within 40 seconds.  Given that they had a user load of 7500 concurrent users, and a 14 terrabyte content database attached, that was extremely impressive.

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